Professor Arthur S. Reber is the Honoray Psychology Advisor of the United Sigma Intelligence Association.
BA (1961) University of Pennsylvania, Psychology MA (1965) Brown University, Psychology Ph.D. (1967) Brown University, Psychology
1966‑1970 Assistant Professor, University of British Columbia 1970‑1980 Associate Professor, Brooklyn College of CUNY 1980‑1998 Professor, Brooklyn College of CUNY 1998-2006 Broeklundian Professor of Psychology, Brooklyn College of CUNY 2006- Broeklundian Professor of Psychology, Emeritus 2007- Visiting Professor, University of British Columbia 1977‑1978 Fulbright Professor, University of Innsbruck, Austria. 1995-1996 Visiting Professor, University of Wales, Bangor 1985‑1988 Department Chair, Brooklyn College of CUNY 1994-1995 Executive Officer (Acting), Ph.D. Program in Psychology, CUNY 1998-2005 Ph.D. Program Head, Experimental Psychology
Awards and Fellowships
Sigma Xi Senior Fulbright Fellow, University of Innsbruck, Austria (1977‑1978) NEH Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Philosophy and Psychology of Mind, 1983. Golden Key National Honor Society (Hon.) Fellow of the American Psychological Society Broeklundian Professorship Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science