Prof. Jean-Jacques Slotine is an Honorary / Advisory Fellow Engineer Scientist of the United Sigma Intelligence Association (USIA).
Professor Jean-Jacques Slotine is Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Information Sciences, Professor of Brain and the Nonlinear Systems Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He received his Ph.D. from MIT in 1983, at age 23. After working at Bell Labs in the computer research department, he joined the faculty at MIT in 1984. Professor Slotine teaches and conducts research in the areas of dynamic systems, robotics, control theory, computational neuroscience, and systems biology.
Research in Professor Slotine’s laboratory focuses on developing rigorous but practical tools for nonlinear systems analysis and control. These have included key advances and experimental demonstrations in the contexts of sliding control, adaptive nonlinear control, adaptive robotics, machine learning, and contraction analysis of nonlinear dynamical systems.
Professor Slotine is the co-author of two popular graduate textbooks, “Robot Analysis and Control” (Asada and Slotine, Wiley, 1986), and “Applied Nonlinear Control” (Slotine and Li, Prentice-Hall, 1991) and is one of the most cited researchers in both systems science and robotics. He was a member of the French National Science Council from 1997 to 2002, and a member of Singapore’s A*STAR SigN Advisory Board from 2007 to 2010. He is currently a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Italian Institute of Technology. He has held Invited Professor positions at College de France, Ecole Polytechnique, Ecole Normale Superieure, Universita di Roma La Sapienza, and ETH Zurich.
Professor Slotine is the recipient of the 2016 Rufus Oldenburger Medal.