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USIA Member Dr. Kirk Raymond Butt

Dr. Kirk Raymond Butt is a Member and Editor of the Untied Sigma Intelligence Association.


Kirk R. Butt is a retired educator from Ontario, Canada. His teaching years were primarily in the field of Gifted Education instruction and program design. He also has training and experience with several other areas of Special Education, as well as experience instructing English as a Second Language learners. His postgraduate academic training includes an M.Ed Degree in Gifted Education, a Ph.D in Theology, and a Ph.D in Comparative Religion. Kirk's long-term interest in Gifted Education and personal involvement in various high intellectual societies led to his ongoing research and developmental interests in high range intellectual testing for profoundly Gifted adults. He has published several instructional units on the development of Higher Order Thinking Skills and is also a published author of four Canadian History and Genealogy books.

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